Training workshops for professionals
Our bespoke training workshops are designed for groups or teams working in NHS Trusts, NHS Boards, Universities, charities or other organisations and professionals, working with families who have experienced pregnancy loss or the death of a baby.
All training sessions start with context as to why the training is necessary, including updates on baby and child death statistics. We provide an update into the latest research, campaigns, guidelines and protocols. With a maximum of 30-35 delegates per session, our training is interactive, based on experience and observation, and
draws on families’ lived experiences of baby and child loss.
All training sessions include time for delegates to reflect on their own feelings and consider the impact that this work has on them.
Subjects covered include support for staff, breaking bad or difficult news, communication skills, theories of grief, memory making, supporting families from different religious and cultural backgrounds, support in the next pregnancy. All of our training is based on listening to and learning from families lived experiences.
Our training is designed for midwives and student midwives, obstetricians, neonatal, paediatric and gynaecology staff, sonographers, GPs and other primary care providers, health visitors, counsellors and chaplains. It is also suitable for those working in the baby loss charity sector, including anyone working in a children’s
Each training session can be tailor-made for your team, focusing on issues that are relevant and specific to your area of work.
As well as delivering bereavement training across the UK, Bereavement Training International is able to deliver this specialist and highly evaluated training for professionals internationally – please contact us to enquire about our international programme of training and consultancy.